Busting The Myths About Commercial Trucking

Source: www.thebalance.com

Without commercial trucking the hospitals in only 24 hours will run out of medical supplies, and in 4 weeks approximately the nation’s clean water supply will exhaust.

Truck Drivers Are Serial Killers

If you believe in this myth, then you must have watched some of the movies that Hollywood has presented to us.

This might be true in the movies, but in reality believe me truck drivers are not even close to being ruthless killers.

Source: www.bsquare.com

On the positive side, truck drivers are in fact the ones the heroes on the highways, not the killers.

Truck drivers who are part of commercial trucking are constantly rolling on the road, straight proportionally they are the ones that are the first to respond if these has been any accident or fighting crime.

Remember: Put this myth aside and see the real side of commercial trucking!

Truck Drivers Are Dirty

This myth might be true if you presented it to people many decades ago.



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