How To Choose the Best Fuel Anti-Theft SolutionHow To Choose the Best Fuel Anti-Theft Solution

How To Choose the Best Fuel Anti-Theft Solution

Of course those are just estimates, but even if the real figures were half that number it adds up, and fast. I am sure you could come up with a better way to use that additional money than by fueling someone else’s truck.

How hard it is to install?

Many of the fuel systems that are available today are rather cumbersome, perhaps not in actual physical size of their device. The problem is all the steps involved to set it up, running wires through your cab. Hooking recorders and tracking devices, then running everything back to your system.

This can be a real time consuming mess. It can take several hours leaving your driver with an unexpected day off. Plus because of this, freight isn’t being delivered. Now just imagine if you have an entire fleet?

Well fortunately Fueloyal was designed with the trucking industry in mind. With our system your trucks will be back in service quicker than it takes to refuel! 30 seconds of your time and you are good to go!

How To Choose the Best Fuel Anti-Theft Solution 5

Check the installation cost

We have all been there; you buy a new device and then come the other costs. The number one cost most people encounter? Installation! That’s right you go out and buy the latest and greatest device, but can’t do anything with it until it gets installed. But, it gets worse. Not only do you have to have someone else install it, they charge you to do so.



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