Best Fuel Cap for Your Truck

Learn How to Choose Best Fuel Cap for Your Truck

It can and it has happened! So don’t be a victim of theft or vandalism (pranksters adding something to your tank). If you lose your cap and must replace it, get one with a lock.

Best Fuel Cap for Your Truck 8Source:

Smart Fuel Cap

ICap 1000 from Fueloyal is smart cap that will 100% eliminate the misuse of fuel, by both drivers and thieves. This simple economical system maintains complete fuel management control. What’s the benefit of this system? It greatly reduces fuel costs, and will eliminate the dreaded 5 mpg consumption rates. The Smart Fuel Cap does this by ensuring the fuel purchased actually went into the tank. It can then measure the amount added with the fuel bill card. It is a standalone system that requires no modifications to the tank or the connection to the truck cab.

Best Fuel Cap for Your Truck 9a


This will eliminate the fear of theft while stopped in rest areas or while getting a bite to eat. It prevents the unauthorized removal of the cap and will trigger the sensors, causing an alarm to be sent to the company.



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