How To Choose Best Hot Shot Load Boards


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Freight dispatcher have a huge impact on load finding, handling and entire load management procedures and they represent one of the most important factors because those guys have a direct (phone) contact with the broker and they are the ones that make all load arrangements and negotiate the load prices.

How To Choose Best Hot Shot Load Boards


If you have more that few dispatchers than your company would be really good for multiple load boards testing. You have option to try multiple load board and decide which one is the best for you. It will cost you few hundred of dollars/each per month but if you manage to find the one that you are happy you can make a decent return and ROI so don’t hesitate to do it if your dispatch department can handle it.

There is some things to have in mind and some tips how to test multiple load boards and check the results you create by using each one of them:

  • before starting to use new load board make analysis per truck/driver/dispatcher in any time frame week/month to see what is the average load price and load total price
  • especially check how each dispatcher is performing in the last year on a month by month time slots and make analysis
  • assign one load board per dispatcher only and monitor their performance to see what is the result compared to previously created analysis to see is there any improvement

What Is The Budget You Have For Hot Shot Load Boards

Budget can have a great impact on what kind of load boards you can find because some of them are not cheap at all and can cost you all the way up to thousand dollars a month just for one load board. Have this numbers in mind when deciding to give multiple load boards a try.



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