10 Things To Know Before Buying Used Truck Tires

Secret Tips How to Choose the Best Truck Tire

Regardless if your operation is highway, regional, urban or on/off-road, the key item often overlooked are the tires. Pardon the expression, but this is where the rubber meets the road and can have the greatest impact on your maintenance and safety costs. Commercial truck tires that exceed in mileage, wear, and tread depth can increase operational cost.

How so, you ask?

Bald tires increase braking time, especially on wet or icy roads. Blowouts cause delays but can also cause accidents. Cheap quality and retreads are things that don’t last.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Traffic Safety Facts reported that in 2011 more than 800 people were killed on American roads by “non-fixed objects” (roadway debris).

truck tires 2Source: www.louisdallaraphotography.com

Determine your budget and choose the tires according to your company type

Tires are expensive, and we are looking for every way possible to save money. Most of the times we shy away from the top quality, and we would like to save a few pennies more by purchasing the cheaper deal.

But again, same as it is with most things in life the best way to do will be to take the middle ground. We might not be able to afford to buy the best quality out there on the market,  but we sure can choose the middle priced tiers, and that way we will not only save on the years that our vehicle have left in it,  but we will also save us some money on the long run.

Many in the trucking industry save money by purchasing retreads. Used tires which have had new thread ‘glued’ onto an old tire. Besides being economical, these work on local routes and with low stress loads. But as the distance grows, so does the risk of failure.


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