This is like anything else you do in life. When you buy gas you find the best per gallon price. So why not do the same when finding a good CPA service? Some charge a flat fee while others charge per hour. It is also based on the exact services you are seeking and just how in depth they need to go, which goes again to show you that by taking proper care and organizing your taxes documents on a monthly level, by yourself, can save you money later because your CPA will have less to do.
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Typically CPA services will vary, as will their price. Things to consider are multi-state tax returns, filing joint returns, tax Credits and such. If you have collected your information monthly, quarterly, or yearly (most prefer it split up and not dropped on them at the end of the year). These fees can all add up, but on the bright side you can actually include these fees as well. Just keeping your taxes straight can add up, the typical starting point is about $200 and goes up from there depending on your needs and circumstance.