Commercial Car Leasing: Everything You Should Know


Nonetheless, the residual value is closely interconnected with the relationship to the payments.

Tip: Pay attention to the following- if the residual value at the end of the month are high, then at the end of the lease the residual value will be lower- and vice versa.

Consider Lease Term Length

Generally speaking, short term leases are way more costly than long term leases are.


It is so because the residual value- that was previously mentioned, will go down faster in the first 24 months.

The vehicle always depreciates faster while it is new than later in its life.

Estimate Mileage Before Leasing

One good way that you can go if you decide for commercial car leasing is to estimate the mileage before leasing.

Actually it is recommendable that before you sign the lease contract to estimate the annual mileage for your use of the car.



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