Discover 10 Best Bobtail Trucks



Well if this is possible and I’m quite sure that it is the rest of the Peterbilt good sides we don’t even need to mention. If we just say that it has 10% lower fuel consumption and calculate that sum over the year time we will see that the amount of possible saving is huge green light for this truck.

8. Kenworth T 680

In last edition really amazing truck. As said before all trucks you can buy on todays market are pretty much amazing. Kenworth invested a lot of money into air dynamics optimization for the two main reasons and it pays back heavily.



The main reason is to reduce the consumption and emission which they do quite successfully. In last years we witnessed a lot of new trucks on the road which makes it very popular by trucking companies.

9. International Pro Star

Another really good company that makes really amazing bobtail trucks. They invest a lot of their efforts meaning time and money to develop really amazingly good aerodynamics for the trucks and hard work started to pay off and new International Pro Star is born.



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