Discover 10 Different Types Of Truck Driving Jobs

Therefore, each truck driver that is transporting hazardous materials should be able to recognize as well as identify the hazardous materials. And how will truck drivers be able to recognize and identify the hazardous materials? Well, all hazardous materials are labeled with hazard communication methods. Each symbol that is put on the tanker is designating specific transportation conditions.


The most common hazmat loads that truck drivers are transporting include:

  • Gasoline;
  • Fusees;
  • Flares;
  • Plastic spheres;
  • Diesel;
  • Propane;
  • Drip-torch fuel;

Yet, the U.S. Government has made specific rules when it comes to hazard transportation. There are many restrictions as well as prohibition of hazardous material transportation on some highways and tunnels.

7. Dedicated Truck Driving Jobs

Well, so far we can see that truck drivers have a wide range of truck driving job opportunities to choose from. In that direction, I would like to mention that truck drivers also have the option of choosing a dedicated truck driving job.



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