Discover The 10 Best Truck Stop Amenities For Truck Drivers

Laundry service as one of the 10 essential truck stop amenities for truck drivers is providing the following resources:

  • New laundry machines;
  • Folding tables;
  • Handling racks;

Moreover, if we take a look at the laundry service pricing we can notice that the fees are in fact really low; for example, the washing and drying process won’t cost you more than $5. Most of the laundry service rooms are big and are equipped with TV or entertainment gadgets, that way truck drivers can have a more quality time while waiting.

The main reason why laundry rooms are constructed to be bigger and more spacious is because that way the truck driver could speed up the time that is required to sort out their clothes and get back on the road quickly.

In addition, I would like to share the following truck stop tip for doing laundry:

  • Always bring your own laundry detergent because there is a chance that on the truck stop where you are going to stop you won’t find the one that you are using. Whereas if you find the detergent that you are using, believe me, it would be way more expensive than if you buy it somewhere else.

4. ATM and Check Cashing

Every truck stop around USA has ATM machines, allowing cash access to the truck drivers 24 hours a day. This amenity is one of the most essential for truck drivers since they are spending weeks, and sometimes even months on the road.



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