10 Secrets To Increase Your Truck Driver Salary

Beautiful Female Truck Drivers: Health, Adventure and Career

Facts about Female Truck Drivers

Back in 1929, Lillie Elizabeth Drennan was the first woman to receive her CDL classification. With the loaded revolver, she was driving her truck until the last day of her life.

Here are some interesting facts about women behind the wheels:

  • women rarely cause accidents: it’s 3 times less likely that female drivers get involved in accident comparing to male drivers,
  • women are safe drivers: probability of females violating safety regulations is 5 times smaller than males
  • women are better students: 4 times is more likely that female will pass CDL certificate exam on the first shot

Husband-wife Teams in Trucking

It’s not so rare to see couples working together as a team on the road. They usually want to earn extra money before starting a family.

Then there is an adventurous excitement about not knowing where you will stay next day. Sharing all that with beloved person is priceless.

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Another useful thing about couples on the road, is the fact that you are spending all the time with your partner. It’s a bit of a test for the relationship itself. Just think about all the little things that get on your nerves, and you’ll see my point.



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