What can also make it seems more of a bed of roses is to actually make friends. Since, trucking is a job that will take a lot of your time. You will probably spend more time working than being at home with your family.
It is important to be surrounded with people that will make you feel comfortable and accepted. As well as people that you know you can count on when a difficult situation arises.
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Therefore, make sure dispatch and other coworkers are your allies and not your enemies. This should not be difficult since mutual respect and willingness to progress should come first. And with that comes appreciation and friendship.
Focus On The Positive Things
If you are a person that can deal well with trucking, will show you the first year as a truck driver. Nevertheless, if you are determined and you know this is what you want, you will succeed.
What is really important is to remain focused on the positive things. This does not mean you should not acknowledge the negatives of the job. Of course, there are negative sides too. But focusing more on the positive will make you have a more positive attitude towards the job in general.