Fleet Tracking Legal Boundaries and GPS Tracking Employees Laws

As with so many other areas of employment law, a good policy is invaluable. Your policy should clearly and simply describe how and when communications and activities will be monitored.

It should clearly state that employees have no expectation of privacy on company equipment.
You should also include guidelines about what employees may and may not do. For example, can they make private calls?

GPS tracking employees laws on the road
Source: www.twitter.com

If an employee could be disciplined based on information acquired from a monitored telephone call or GPS tracking, then you should include that in the policy, too.

I also recommend that you get your employees’ written consent to the policy to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

Finally, make sure your IT department and management know how to handle issues that may arise, so they will follow your policies.


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Can Companies Monitor Employees off the Clock?

As shown above, there are yet states which allow monitoring on public roads legally. However, is it possible for businesses to continue monitoring vehicles while off the clock?



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