Freight Brokerage - What you NEED to Know

Freight Brokerage – What you NEED to Know

Research, research, research, I know I say that a lot, but they say knowledge is power and it truly is! You really need to understand what you’ll be getting yourself into.

So, that is the idea behind this; to offer a little insight and explain the basics actual role of the freight brokerage, and also offer some other things to consider.

A Little More About What Freight Brokerage is and What Freight Brokers do

Freight brokerage firms fill a very important role in the logistics and freight transportation world. They are often the bridge between carriers and shippers, those with trucks and those in need of a truck.

As I stated earlier they can be the key negotiator getting the shipper the best price and getting the carrier cargo to transport. They also can assist with schedules, deadlines, and other areas that might not be handled by one end or the other.

In addition to acting as the go between, they track freight shipments and maintain key records of the shipment from pickup to drop-off.



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