Freight Charges Revealed - 10 Things To Watch 1

Secret Freight Charges Revealed – 10 Things To Watch

4. Consignee Collects The Freight Charges

This is when the end customer, the one who will be receiving the freight pays the freight charges. They will also be responsible for all Customs declarations and all appropriate tax taxes. They are the ones responsible for all the related forms and other documentation.

5. Free-on-Board (FOB) Origin Freight Charges

Kind of like a transfer of responsibility. It is when the seller lets go of their rights, regarding the freight and the buyer takes the full responsibility. At that point the buyer is responsible for all the charges and pays all costs associated with the shipment.

6. FOB Origin, Prepaid Freight Charges

This is when the responsible party has paid all the associated freight charges in advance. Usually it is the shipper or the third party vendor who will need to cover these charges.

Freight Charges Revealed - 10 Things To WatchSource:

7. FOB Origin, Prepaid And Charged Back Freight Charges

Like number 6, the shipper has paid all the associated freight charges in advance. Usually it is the shipper or the third party vendor who will need to cover these freight charges. But then they will charge the consignee for the freight charges.

8. FOB Destination Freight Charges

Usually the freight will be sent prepaid. The shipper pays all associated freight charges, but the consignee maintains controls of the freight.



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