The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in the Trucking Industry

The majority of truck drivers who are operating in the U.S. trucking industry are feeding themselves with snacks and fast food, which they buy on truck stops. It is the main reason why truck drivers gain pounds quicker than other people.

Irregular Sleep Patterns and Weather

Irregular sleep patterns can lead truck drivers to be fatigued and drowsy. In fact, it is the number one cause that leads to truck accidents.

That is why nowadays there are many federal rules and regulations given by the Department of Transportation DOT and the Hours of Service HOS, that regulate how much truckers sleep in a given 24 hour period.


Yet, one more issue that truck drivers are facing with when on the road is the weather difference.

One day a truck driver can drive in one country where the weather is warm, and the next day he is driving in another country where the weather is freezing.

Related: 25 Constant Factors Affecting The Trucking Industry



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