GPS Tracking Device Guide – What’s Legal When Monitoring Your Employees

In this way, not only they will be responsible and considerate employees, but they will also start respecting this approach.

what to do to legally monitor employees with gps tracking device

To continue with, you can only monitor the active working hours of employees, as well as their location. In this way, you will comply with the GPS tracking policy.

It is also important to store the GPS tracking data safely because information is easily accessible nowadays.

Furthermore, you need to explain to your employees that GPS tracking is not violating any law or their trust. Moreover, you need to encourage yourself first to take this step, and then your employees.

Monitoring Vehicles for Safety Increase

Regarding the safety, an employer is obliged to know and use the GPS tracking device state laws.

To put it in a different way, there is an example of Illinois statute in 2014, considering employee monitoring a crime.

In addition, a vehicle should not be tracked without the vehicle’s owner consent unless it is lawfully done by a law enforcement agency.



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