Fueloyal GPS Tracking System

GPS Tracking System: 10 Important Features To Look For

Further, in this article you can discover which the 10 most important features that you have to look for in a GPS tracking system are.
So, let’s take a look!

GPS Tracking System Feature No.1: Reporting

First and foremost, a good tracking system should provide you with the data and reporting capabilities that your trucking company has the need of.

Try to find a GPS that has a reporting feature.

A reporting feature that simply makes the GPS tracking system stand out from the other models.

Moreover, you should remember that a good GPS tracking system should enable you to automate the reports on a monthly and even weekly basis.

Source: www.fueloyal.com

You should know that a good GPS tracking system should give you the ability to generate reports instantly.

As well, the reports that the GPS tracking system should provide you with, should be concise and easy to understand.

In general, the reports should include:

  • Daily vehicle activity;
  • Speeding violations;
  • Violations of company driving policy;
  • Complete list of vehicle starts and stops;
  • Excessive idling times;

Yet, trucking companies should look for a GPS tracking system which will offer them historical reporting.



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