Now it follows the Question No.1: What if you pass the HAZMAT Practice Test?
Straight after you pass successfully the HAZMAT practice test, you will be ready for the real hazardous materials test. Yet, what follows after passing the real test and all certification, is receiving the hazardous materials transportation license.
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Therefore, this endorsement will be added to your existing CDL drivers license. Later on, when you start transporting hazardous materials, you will have to keep that license next to you. And why is that so? Well, because it might happen that any authority figure stops you and requests to see it.
One more thing that you will have to keep in mind is that your hazardous materials license is valid for 5 years; after that period passes you will have to retake the tests.
Question No.2: What if you fail the HAZMAT Practice Test?
Before taking the HAZMAT practice test, doubts might appear on your mind. But, do not worry. Still, if you fail the HAZMAT practice test you will have the chance to retake it.
Whereas, if it happens that you fail the written test which is under the DMV, then you shall get more information and check if the local DMV for the state in which you are located will allow you to retake it. Different states have different standards.
In any case, if the local DMV in your state allows, you will be able to retake the test the following day.