How Can Truck Drivers Make More Money - Truckers Guide

How Can Truck Drivers Make More Money – Truckers Guide


What you should do is:

Work on specialized truck endorsements. They can also make you eligible for a higher paying rate because you are seen as a more valuable and experienced truck driver. In order to get the endorsements, you will need to pass some additional written and road driving tests outside of the CDL exam.


Furthermore, you can organize your time. You might not make more money, but you will definitely save money this way! You probably heard the famous quote “Time is Money”; well this is especially true when it comes to trucking.

Source: Youtube
Source: Youtube

By organizing your time well, you will be able to transport your load to its final destination. Then hopefully have  more time for the next one.

You will have more time to have your next trip planned and optimized, log book done, and the GPS programmed so you are ready to roll in the morning. Or, time for yourself in the evening to relax and enjoy life!

So one way or the other, by organizing your time, you are definitely making some extra pennies.



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