How Do Air Brakes Work - Ultimate Truckers Guide

How Do Air Brakes Work – Ultimate Truckers Guide

Source: Youtube

Furthermore, the hydraulic brake system in light vehicles requires a separate parking brake system usually including:

  • Steel;
  • Cables;
  • Some sort of application system of levers on the brake shoes or brake calipers; or
  • Separate system involving a driveline brake or a separate brake drum at the wheels.


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The good side of Air brakes is the fact that with the Air brakes system; the brakes have built in heavy springs. They will apply the brakes when the pressure fails. Furthermore, they are parking brakes also, and only need an air valve on the dash to control them.

I hope I was able to explain how do Air brakes work in this short paragraph, but in case you need more, read the next sub line.

How do Air Brakes Work with Large Trucks?

You probably wondered by now how do air brakes work with large trucks, and why large trucks are not using liquid hydraulic fluid instead.



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