How Do Trucking Fleet Fuel Cards Work?

With this intention, the fleet fuel cards same as the credit cards can be used at specific locations for certain transportation charges.

Continually, the fleet fuel cards, allow the following:

  • Spend limit
  • Web management
  • Fraud control
  • Security measurements

Furthermore, when choosing fuel cards for small businesses, it is important to remember one thing.


To emphasize, the locations that you fill up frequently must accept the fuel card. Otherwise, the card is completely worthless for you and your business.

Generally speaking, some fleet cards allow the trucking companies to pay cash at the truck stops and pumps.

To demonstrate, the price goes for about 6 cents per gallon which actually makes it a discount from the card. However, the price may vary.

However, the price may vary.

How Does a Carrier Benefit?

To begin with, the fleet fuel cards are made to serve as payment cards. This means that they are restricted to purchasing fuel expenses only.



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