Ultimate Truckers Guide: How Long Does it Take to Get a CDL?

How Long Does it Take to Get a CDL It Will Depend on What Trucking School Option You’ll Choose

Full-Time or Part-time

I already touched on this above but I wanted to go into a few more details. Basically, I want to clarify a few things regarding how long does it take to get a CDL. Because CDL training and driving schools are like anything else.

Source: www.dec.edu
Source: www.dec.edu

They vary more that the models of trucks do! But, like the trucks the schools can be all things to all people. You’ve seen the big sleeper cabs. They have the nice captains truck driver chairs, seat cushions and the best mattresses. They are set-up with anti-siphoning systems, WIFI, GPS tracking and those other bells and whistles.

Then you have the day cab, you know the ones without the comfy beds and such. Well which would you rather drive a 1000 miles haul in? And which is best for moving trailers around the lot? The same goes for the driving schools. You don’t need to pay for all the bells and whistles up front.



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