Generally speaking, the truck driver’s salary in Illinois ranges from $56,000 to $80,000. However, the salary depends on several factors.
For instance, there is the beginner phase of truck driving and there is the experience. In addition, there is the type of freight transportation.
To emphasize, a local, or a regional truck driver does not have the same truck driver salary as the long-haul truck driver.
This is why there is a difference between the best trucking companies in Illinois and the average trucking businesses.
Notably, Illinois truck drivers are among the most disciplined when it comes to respecting the Safety and Fitness Electronic Records System (SAFER) regulations.
For this reason, when it comes to truck driver awards, the Illinois Trucking Association (ITA) recognized the contribution of a large number of truck drivers.
As shown above, California is also among the states which are the best for the truck drivers.