Discover Secret Tips How To Prevent Diesel Fuel Theft


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How They Steal?

All of the mentioned fuel thieves are sometimes very creative when it comes to fuel theft. Diesel fuel theft is sometimes a state of the art and all of them spend a lot of time trying to develop techniques that will allow them to be more successful.

Fortunately for trucking companies and trucking company owners technology development and truck development makes it harder than ever to steal fuel. So basically nowadays there is only two potential ways of fuel theft (if we eliminate possibility of stealing entire truck or drilling a fuel tank)

1. Fuel Card Misuse and Fraud

This is the most common scenario and usually in almost all cases it involves the company truck drivers. As mentioned earlier drivers have the full purchasing power when it comes to fuel. They are carrying fuel card in order to purchase the fuel and they will add fuel when they want/need and in what amount they want. In order to purchase they will just swipe the card and that is it – the company must pay the bill without knowing these important things:

  • Company has no idea is the fuel card used for their specific truck or is it missed to purchase the fuel for another vehicle
  • Nobody knows is the purchased fuel really entered the fuel tank in the entire purchased amount. It can happen that they purchased 100 gallons but put only 80 gallons to the truck and the rest of 20 gallons to the can or another vehicle.

It is very important to say that according to the latest market research 20% of trucking companies have a direct evidence of fuel card misuse and/or fraud.



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