Discover Secret Tips How To Prevent Diesel Fuel Theft

2. Fuel Siphoning

Also very common way of fuel theft. But believe it or not it comes 2nd in a row after the fuel card misuse. These as I like to call them outside company factors (thieves) are stealing fuel in most cases when the truck is left unattended or when the driver is sleeping inside of the truck overnight.


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Thieves would approach the truck and simply siphon the fuel using al sort of pumps to make the process much faster and easier. Within the few minutes that could possible siphon 50 gallons of fuel and disappear without any trace.

Sometimes thieves partner with truck drivers too so the driver sell them 50 gallons of fuel usually worth $150 for the half of the price. Driver will say that he had a lunch and didn’t notice anything of course and the damage is small so since he is 2000 miles away from company HQ and load needs to be delivered there is nothing else to do besides believe him and let him continue to drive and deliver the load.

Who is in danger?

Entire trucking industry is a victim. No matter the size of the trucks company is owing the threat is always present. Of course some type of trucking companies are more exposed and vulnerable compared to the others but if you are a trucking company owner and you own a fleet of 3+ trucks you should dedicate some proportion of your time every week to check what is happening.



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