Remember that empowerment seems to be one of the contemporary approaches that employ transportation employees more into their careers and increases their inspiration.
Inspire Transportation Employees With Guest Speakers
Did it ever cross your mind inviting guest speakers with the aim to inspire your transportation employees?
Although most of you think that this tip will not help, believe me, you couldn’t be more wrong about this, because company guest speakers turned out to be the perfect solution for trucking company employees who are lacking inspiration and motivation at the same time.
Here are few types of speakers that your trucking company can invite:
- Motivational Speakers- it is difficult to find motivational speakers in the trucking industry, but nevertheless, you can call a motivational speaker that is dedicated to another industry- it does not play a big role because motivational speakers regardless of their dedication to a certain industry can inspire people. Motivational speakers can re-energize your employees.
- Innovational Speakers- Innovational speakers can help your transportation employees focus on general innovation and creativity.
- Skills-Based Speakers- Skills based speakers are the ones that can educate your team about different fields in the trucking industry, and not only that, they can educate them as well about certain skills, such as organization and time-management.
- Informational and industry-specific speakers-Your transportation employees should be up to date with all the rules and regulation changes as well as with industry news and opinions. So, inviting informational and industry-specific speakers will help your truck drivers be up to date and feel closer to all the thing that are going on in the trucking industry.
- Employee Led Speakers- Try to inspire your transportation employees to volunteer to present a speech about a topic of choice.
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