Truck Wash

Learn 7 Secret Tips for Perfect Truck Wash

Now with that in mind, part of both proper care of the vehicle and what should fall on the driver’s responsibility (unless your fleet has a full maintenance staff and does only local runs) is the washing of their truck.

A good truck wash not only cleans the vehicle is also allows for the driver to check for any issues with the lights, mirrors, tires, and etc. Another important factor about a properly cleaned vehicle is safety and your company safety rating. So as you can see this is very important.

However, let’s not forget another obvious reason, which is reputation (and first impression). When you meet or see a sloppy person, worksite, or vehicle for the first time does it instill confidence? If you’re like most of us, not only does it give a negative impression it might give cause to reconsider working with that company again.

So for the sake of your business press the importance of going to a good truck wash and getting the fleet looking as good as the weather conditions will allow.

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