Learn 8 Reasons Why You Need to Monitor Excessive Acceleration

Learn 8 Reasons Why You Need to Monitor Excessive Acceleration

Source: www.kcpimp.com
Source: www.kcpimp.com

Top on that few hundreds dollars more, because I am sure they will find something else that’s against the rules or not working properly! It adds up quickly!

Excessive Acceleration Tickets Can Damage Your Safety Rating

Now this is where excessive acceleration can really hurt you! You might be thinking losing a couple hurts of drive time and getting a pick fine hurts enough.

Well that slap to your pride is only part of it. You will get points deducted off your license. You might even get increased truck insurance or cargo insurance rates!

But things that makes the safety rating hurt is that could cost you your job. It could affect your company or the trucking company you are working for.

Furthermore, it could be what cost you potential trim and clients. Chicken Little cried about the sky and I know some of you will say this is what I’m doing here. Well in reality, it depends on the number of tickets and the speed at which it was written.



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