Learn 9 Tips To Prevent Truck Drivers Leaving Your Company

Source: www.benekeith.com
Source: www.benekeith.com

Further, it is not easy to concentrate and keep calm but every time you want to raise your voice and shout or say something bad think about how you would feel if someone is doing that the same thing to you.

Try to be nice and polite every time you communicate with them and sometimes use power words (please, thank you, you are welcome) and you will start to see the difference in their behavior as well.

Reward Them With a Free Lunch Once a Week

Lunch and meal are one of the most important tasks of the truck driver everyday life. Introducing the very popular “free lunch” perk can help you build a better relationship with truck drivers.

There is a very simple reason why this provides much higher value and sense of connection compared to the money for example.

Source: www.blog.driveforprime.com
Source: www.blog.driveforprime.com

The reason for this lies in psychology and how human brain thinks and operates. If you buy them lunch instead of paying them $15 which is the average lunch price on any truck stop you will create the experience for them.



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