Learn 9 Tips To Prevent Truck Drivers Leaving Your Company

There are multiple ways how to do it and some trucking companies are using a different approach but it is all about the experience again:

  • some companies dedicate $50 to a special budget which is released truck driver goes on vacation.
  • some companies dedicate 1% of gross revenue truck driver makes in order to stimulate them to work more but also to make more for vacation.
  • companies offering prearranged trips by contracting with some travel agencies to provide truck drivers with amazing vacations
Source: www.thebalance.com
Source: www.thebalance.com

Every company should choose or find the way that suits them best in accordance to the truck driver’s habits and wishes. Also, it is really good to know what type of personalities you have among truck drivers.

For instance, if you have someone who likes fishing he will not find attractive to go Jamaica as some others might do.

Give Them a Call Once a Week

Once a week you should dedicate some time to do some phone calls and check with your drivers how they feel and how are they doing. This is such a small gesture that will mean a lot to them. It shows that you care and that you think about them.



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