What Is the Paid CDL Training Program Duration?
This really depends on where you take the course. I know that seems like an obvious answer but different schools run different lengths of time. Most paid CDL training programs run between 3 and 6 weeks depending on the size and scope of the training.
If you are willing to pay for the school and then hope to get picked up by a company, you have a few options. Some of the private training schools might promise it in a shorter time (two weeks) but you get what you pay for. Community colleges often offer the CDL program but they can run a full semester.
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Paid CDL training is the best option because, they aren’t going to waste money and time to push students through the program just to have them fail the driving test or have an accident. Also they will cover their various organizational needs and requirements. Many will include whatever specialty endorsement training they need their drivers to have.
One other thing is that most states require a two week window where you can get your learner’s permit and when you can actually take the test. This allows you to legally practice and drive, as long as a CDL licensed driver is with you (just like when you were 15).
Source: www.roadmaster.com