Reefer Trailers

Learn Secret Ways How Reefer Trailer Can Make You More Money

Everybody talks about being green this nowadays. Regardless your personal views on the issue, the newer trailers are environmentally conscious in their design. They have greatly improved their operational standards and overall efficiency, aiding in fuel economy.

Reefer Trailers 5Source:

One major change is getting away from Freon and using the more environmentally friendly R-134a. In the Montreal Protocol of 1987, Freon a producer of harmful, ozone-depleting CFC’s (chlorofluorocarbons) and HCEC’s (hydro chlorofluorocarbons) was banned from being included on new reefer trailers. However, be aware if you purchase a used trailer, mostly pre-1966 models, they still utilize Freon, so check and see if they have been properly converted.

I can’t stress the importance of research and having the trailer properly checked out before you buy it. That includes having a licensed refrigeration mechanic check out the cooling systems, especially if you are buying used.

How profitable it is?

This is the key question everyone wants to know before jumping into something new. Well, the simple answer it is very profitable. It has been estimated that the average reefer load gets 20% more than the standard dry van load! So, as you can see it is.



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