Life as a Truck Driver – Balance Between Highway and Home

People can fall into the trap that work consumes them and then they lose touch what is important. Obviously working pays the bills, but you must remember to get your head out of it. When you are home do something with the family and/or friends.

Life as a truck driver can be such a rewarding experience, if you take advantage of the opportunities.

Remember driving is only the job, if you enjoy driving then it’s really not work anyway. But even then find your escape!


Life as a Truck Driver can be hard for some. Others find it to be a great way to live. As a trucker you’re free to travel the open road and see places that most would never get to.

No, I am not talking about narrow alleyways or dingy docks. I am speaking about the country. Most people will never get to see the world’s largest ball of twine in Kansas or any of the other roadside attractions.

As usual, I would recommend do a little research, join a group, enter a chat room, go on Facebook and get to know some truckers. Believe me they can tell what life as a truck driver is like and then some! And go into with the right attitude, there will be pros and cons.



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