Livestock Hauling – 10 Amazing Things You Want To Know

Weather is an important factor in livestock hauling!

6. Bedding for Livestock Hauling

If a trucking company is planning to perform a livestock hauling of greater than 12h duration, then it should provide bedding for the cattle.

In fact, there are no given rules and regulations in the USA when it comes to using of bedding.

Bedding most commonly is made of wood chips, straw or sawdust.

It is advisable that the trailer is equipped with bedding in cases when the ambient temperatures fall below 10C.


Moreover, the use and the type of a bedding mostly depends on the season and the weather conditions.

On the negative side, lack of bedding in the trailers can cause lameness that comes straight proportionally with abscessed toes.

7. Methods For Improving Livestock Hauling

Livestock hauling has improved significantly in the past decade, but it still has to go through additional improvements.

Yet, one of the best means that truck drivers can make in regards to maintaining best transportation practices is by keeping records on everything that is going on with the animals during the transportation process.



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