Load Canceling – Big Mystery Problem In US Trucking

You are in a light state of shock because you planned your activities according to that load, you have sent the truck there and drove out of route miles, driver drove those miles, you lose time plus fuel and a lot of other things but hey, they don’t care your load just get canceled.

Now you are in a big problem because you need to cover that truck again to avoid loosing even more money and if it is afternoon your chances to cover the truck and to find a good load are close to zero. So you basically have few hundred $ direct cost plus up to few thousands of $ indirect cost depending the load price you lost.

Why Is Load Canceling Happening

Load Canceling happens in most cases because of the money. Brokers simply want to make more money and that is the reason your load gets canceled. They found someone who will do it for less money than they agreed with you.

It is very bad practice from the brokers side especially if you know that over the last 6 months a lot of trucking companies went out of the business and that trucking went trough a rough winter and occurred a small crisis.



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