Master The Art Of Cargo Securement – International Roadcheck

If you categorize the world of trucks with new truck drivers, advanced and veterans, sometimes you can notice a difference in their driving.


Furthermore, this explains why is there a significant difference between the professional truck drivers and the normal ones.

Due to this year’s target, which is cargo securement, there are 2 definitions applying to the commercial vehicles:

  • Vehicles having more than 26,001 pounds from class 1 to class 8 trucks
  • The motor vehicle has a gross combination weight rating of 10,001 pounds or more

Special Emphasis on Cargo Securement!

Cargo securement is a reminder of the importance of maintaining safe driving and transportation.

Due to the cargo securement inspection, the trucking companies need to be aware of the importance of the inspection as well.

Furthermore, they need to prepare their truck drivers for the inspection. Regarding this matter, there will be inspection points marked.



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