Generally speaking, GPS tracking solutions are very much prone to new map updates.
That is due to the thousands of changes that are happening to America’s geography. As well as due to the new buildings going up. So, that makes the need of constant upgrades to be essential in the process of providing real and reliable information.
So before you make the final decision I would recommend you to pay huge attention to map updates.
In addition, most map updates nowadays require from the user to pay extra money in order to get the newest editions. Also, there is a huge money range amongs GPS providers.
Still, without new maps, the GPS tracker for car user can get lost on the road.
Traffic updates
Traffic updates come along with the map updates.
Yet, the newly developed GPS trackers for car are featuring indications on the screen where the roads are congested along the route of the user.
Moreover, it is good for the future GPS solution used to be aware of the fact that the GPS tracker for car featuring traffic updates are actually using auxiliary receivers.