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Finally, when there is no air pressure, and you need to move your vehicle, use a cage bolt. After the vehicle is at desired location, remove the bolt.
How do I know if I have spring brakes?
Look at the driver’s control panel and the rear axle. On the spring brake control valve there is usually a label. The valve is probably opened, which means it is in off position. By closing the valve you will allow the air off the chambers and springs will engage the rear brakes. On the rear axle, you will have brake chamber at sides of rear axle.
Spring Brake Chamber
I’ve already explained that service brakes and spring brakes are not applied in the same way. Spring are applied when air pressure leaves the brake chamber.
So, what is a spring brake chamber? It’s a brake chamber that includes both service brake and spring brake sections.
People often ask, what is the difference between spring brake actuator and brake chamber? Both are used in air braking system in trucks, but unlike brake chamber, spring brake actuator has hand brake function. Also, brake chambers are used in front axles while brake actuators are used in rear axles.