Oilfield Trucking Jobs VS OTR Truck Driving Jobs

Let’s start by obtaining all necessary endorsements, and gaining the needed skills. In other words, becoming oilfield truck drivers is similar to becoming hazmat truck driver.

Source: www.youtube.com
Source: www.youtube.com

Step No.1 To Applying For Oilfield Trucking Jobs: Being Healthy, Flexible and Fit

The step no.1 includes the requirement for truck drivers to be healthy, flexible and fit; in fact, this is a requirement for all truck drivers that are part of the trucking industry in the USA.

I consider that this is one of the most crucial steps because working on oilfield is demanding. Truck drivers have to have a high level of stamina as well as strength. So, if you want to apply for oilfield trucking jobs then you will have to work a bit on these three requirements.

Oilfield trucking jobs require continuous physical activity; this is where the job of oilfield truck drivers and OTR truck drivers differs the most.

Source: www.fueloyal.com
Source: www.fueloyal.com



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