What is The Real Price of a Truck Driver Health Insurance?

Who Should Pay for Truck Driver Health Insurance?

Since the amounts to cover the truck driver health insurance can heavily vary it is not easy to decide how to introduce this service into your trucking company.


On the market nowadays you can see multiple different ways how companies deal with this and at the end, I would say it all depends on how much money you are willing to invest and what is the amount your company budget can handle.

These are the ways to deal with truck driver health insurance outside on the market:

  • The trucking company covers the full 100% of the amount;
  • Trucking company and truck drivers agree to pay 50% each;
  • Moreover, the trucking company pays 50% first year but if the driver stays in the company after 1 year they will provide the full 100% coverage;

As you can see there are multiple variations. I just mentioned the three most used on the market at the moment. Out of those three mentioned above, we could easily develop ten more solutions but this is enough so that you can understand how to approach this situation and make the most out of the budget your company has.



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