What is The Real Price of a Truck Driver Health Insurance?


Pay attention to the following items in the contract. Make sure that you ask your insurance agent about this items. Because it could cost your truck driver a huge amount of money if you don’t pay attention to it and this could also reduce the value of the policy your trucking company is paying:

  • Ask what is the percentage of general coverage;
  • What are the situation health insurance covers;
  • Is there any situation where you looking forward to paying for something and wait to get reimbursed from health insurance company?;
  • What do doctors include in the policy? Are you allowed to go to the best doctors or not?;
  • How often and is there a cap on insurance level. For example, are they covering everything until you get better or just basics;
  • Can they and how (what is the procedure) cancel the insurance?;

What Are The Real Prices? Take a Look at Real Up to Date Offer For Health Insurance.

I know all of you are super busy running your company and that there is never enough time to do everything you would like to do.



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