Semi Truck Accidents - 10 Best Tips for Safely Sharing the Road with Truck Drivers

Semi Truck Accidents – 10 Best Tips for Safely Sharing the Road with Truck Drivers

So you have to learn how to be patient! If you learn that technique, soon enough that silly stuff that other drivers do, won’t batter you that much!

8. Avoid Traveling Close behind a Truck

You should never follow a truck too closely. First then all you won’t be visible to the truck driver if you are following too close; plus when you are around big vehicles it will take you more time to maneuver around if something is to occur.

Source: Youtube
Source: Youtube

Avoid traveling close behind a truck because if you follow it closely, you are driving blind. You can’t see around the truck and the trucker will not be able to see you either. Never follow a truck at a time interfewerof less than two seconds.

If you try to pass the truck do it as fast as possible. When you manage to pass it, keep the speed up and get reasonable distance after.

Source: Youtube
Source: Youtube

If you speed up, then pass and slow down what is the point in that? It is irritating for the truck driver and it’s dangerous too!

You don’t want to be involved in semi truck accidents because you get in front of a truck and then slow down!

Furthermore, you should never use your high beams when following a truck at night. And last but not list avoid stopping too close behind a truck on an upgrade. If the truck stops from some reason and you fallowed to close, it could smash your car.



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