Summer Trucking Heat Hacks – 15 Tips to Stay Cool


Moreover, staying hydrated is of a great importance because that way you will avoid feeling sluggish and exhausted. Dehydration can even make you nauseous.

If you are looking forward to staying hydrated while on the road you can also take into consideration having healthy snacks around you. Fruits and vegetables also contain a significant amount of water.

Yet, did you know that ice cold bottle of water can help you put away back aches? Well, luckily it can, ice cold bottle of water is the equal as an ice pack. Truck drivers are well known with this heat and back pain hack.

Summer Trucking Heat Hack No.4: Watch for extreme weather

It is no secret that summer weather can be unpredictable. Truck drivers who are operating during summer months can witness numerous thunderstorms as well as extreme heat waves. That is why truckers are always precautions and are checking the weather forecast on a constant basis.



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