Tesla Innovation: 12 Lessons You Can Learn From Elon Musk

On the other hand, what you can do is to always have a contingency plan ready. It will help you save time and money.

Failure Is Not Defeat 

As mentioned before, failure sometimes is inevitable when you are on the road to raising a startup company. It was the case with Tesla Innovation too. So, remember not to give up, because after all, failure is a big part of growth.

Source: www.usmagazine.com

Moreover, when starting a company or a particular project you will always have to plan for it. Simply be ready for all types of failures.

Still, it is natural to be afraid of failure. Elon Musk himself was also afraid of failure. But, what Elon did is raise after every failure. He never waited and allowed it to hit him to fall down and to leave his dreams unaccomplished.

3. Probability Should Never Rule You

Dreams and business aspirations are for sure possible.

Yet, what one should do in order to make it happen is to be persistent and to believe in what his first aim was to do.



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