Top 15 Best Trucking Industry Infographics

Top 15 Best Trucking Industry Infographics

There are a few other styles of infographics which are used. As you see here I listed 5, some say there are as many as 10 different types. A couple of the additional styles include “How to (the steps to involved)”, “Comparison (this compared to that)”, and “Location (Chicago is this and this)” just to name a few. These are fairly self-explanatory but remember you can even combine styles as long as you don’t lose your message or confuse your target audience.

For example you might be creating a “How to” infographics. The topic might be building bird houses. So, you could give the steps involved, while at the same time comparing American styles to European. Or go over the use of glue versus nails versus screws.

Regardless which style you go with, there are a few things to keep in mind. All Infographics are made up of three key parts, the visual (color, images, etc.), content (information, stats, points), and knowledge (the actual facts). So keep that in mind when designing, or commissioning, trucking industry infographics.



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