Should I honor this agreement? Non-competition agreements between the freight broker and transportation company refers that carrier agrees to not directly seek freight from the shipper that was hauled as a result of the broker effort, during the contract, or 1 year after the expiration of the contract, this depends from the broker to broker.
Don’t play with fire if you don’t want to be burned.
Be sure that you are ok with the agreement before you sign in, because if you do, you have to obey the rules, or if you do not, you will be sued and be issued with legal penalties to compensate the damage to the freight broker.
Legal charges due to unpaid IFTA tax report
States are using fuel and mileage tax reporting to ensure that they are getting their fair share of the tax money that the trucking companies are paying. International Fuel Tax Agreement IFTA is an organization that covers both the United States and Canada.
This agreement was established to simplify the reporting of fuel use by motor carriers, which operate in more than one jurisdiction.
Fuel taxes are based on the percentage of miles traveled in each state. Companies have to file quarterly tax reports by collecting mileage and fuel for each jurisdiction.