10 Things To Know About The Transfer Tank

10 Things To Know About The Transfer Tank

There are some clear advantages to having the transfer tank. It might be expensive to fill up before you start, but as you know fuel prices can get really expensive the further away from urban areas you travel. You may also encounter unexpected weather such as a blizzard or flash flooding causing to either wait or take a longer alternative route. Best to be prepare!

10 Things To Know About The Transfer TankSource: www.socaltruck.net

2. Where Do I Find Out About Transfer Tank Regulations?

The most obvious places to check are the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Environmental Protection (EPA). But as everyone knows, there are tons and tons of regulations so it is highly recommended to check with state and local agencies. All these agencies ensure compliance with VESC-22 regulations. SO your transfer tank must meet or exceed the set standards, as set by law.

Safety is a major concern behind much the laws and regulations, which are constantly updating and changing. Keep in mind that the transfer tank had been designed for both Diesel and gas but as the regulations get stricter, many companies no longer work with gas transfer tanks.



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