10 Things To Know About The Transfer Tank

10 Things To Know About The Transfer Tank

However, you can find a lower end transfer tank starting around $300. A better quality model, based on fuel capacity will cost more. The upper end is well over a $1000 dollars for a really good transfer tank, based on your requirements.

Another consideration is the fact that there are numerous manufactures of the transfer tank. There are actually specialty companies whose primary business is generated from the manufacturing of a transfer tank (other such products).

Not to mention the aftermarket specialty businesses tailoring to the accessories and designing based on your needs. Last but not least are the shops that will handle just about anything truck related.

10 Things To Know About The Transfer TankSource: justicetimes.com

7. Transfer Tank Care And Maintenance Basics

The general care and maintenance of your truck and of your transfer tank is rather simple and even considered quite basic. You should treat your transfer tank the same as any other fuel tank. Keep in mind you should keep it free of dirt and other debris, things that could potentially clog your fuel filter.



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