Transportation Technology – New Way of Trucking

By reinventing the truck with the help of the newest transportation technology we might come at the situation where 1.7 million truck drivers can find themselves on the passenger side of the cabin, while the self-driving truck is operating.


Moreover, the key component of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is, in fact, the Innovative Technology Deployment Program. This program has been issued by the FMCSA with the aim to improve commercial vehicle safety.

So, all manufacturers who are designing and manufacturing self-driving trucks with the help of the transportation technology should have in mind that their truck will have to go through numerous tests.

Yet, every here and now we can meet people that are hesitant for the integration of new technologies and by that they are limiting the implementation of self-driving trucks.

Still, technology is moving much faster than society!

1. Telematics

Telematics represents the fastest growing sector. This sector is providing an explosion of apps.



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